Jul 30, 2019 | News

By Dorothy Crotts – MR Journalism

African Elephants have always been at the risk of extinction, this can be attributed to the increased poaching activities in the region. There was a time when this country was home to 126,000 Savannah elephants. In the year 2005 to 2012, around a hundred thousands of elephants have been killed for ivory and because of this 80% of the herds went missing. The poached Ivory was then made into jewellery and accessories and were sold in the international market at a handsome price. China is one of the biggest importers of these products.

Increasing prevalence of ivory poaching had become an alarming concern of the country. So CITES had posed a ban on the international trade of Ivory. Moreover, China also took efforts and banned the consumption of ivory products. These efforts didn’t go in vain, and it allowed some of the African Elephants population to recover, also the death rate decreased by 10% in 2015.

Why Did Poaching Activity Start In Botswana?

Botswana is one of the last remaining refuges for African Elephants and many attempts have been made to stop animal poaching for good. Unfortunately, the ban on Elephant poaching has increased the demand for Ivory and in turn, has increased its value. This increase in the value of ivory has attracted the poachers to continue their cruel activities in Botswana. In September, 87 dead elephants were found with their faces hacked off and their tusks missing. Poaching was on the rise. However, the ministry of environment has denied any practice of animal poaching in the region.  In May, the Savannah government lifted the ban on trophy hunting, provoking worldwide condemnation.
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