By Daegan Miller, University of Massachusetts Amherst A collaborative team of researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which runs the world’s largest field conservation program, has conducted first-of-its...
Necessary evil: Is trophy hunting ethical?
By Adam Cruise Abstract Trophy hunting is a controversial topic. On the one hand, the idea that a handful of the wealthy elite pays top dollar to shoot iconic and rare animals for ‘sport’ draws the ire of a far greater number of sensible (and sensitive) humans. On the...
No Trade, No Killing——An Evaluation of China’s Ivory Ban on Elephant Poaching
Abstract The debate on whether legalization or prohibition is more effective in conserving species and curbing illicit black-market trade remains controversial, with insufficient evidence available. Here we investigate the effects of China’s ivory ban on elephant...
Study finds protected areas for elephants work best if they are connected
By Conservation measures have successfully stopped declines in the African savanna elephant population across southern Africa, but the pattern varies locally, according to a new study. The evidence suggests that the long-term solution to elephant survival...
Ice Ivory to White Gold: Links Between the Illegal Ivory Trade and the Trade in Geocultural Artifacts
By Caroline Cox and Luke Hauser - Taylor & Francis Online Abstract The United Kingdom, with the introduction of the Ivory Act 2018, is at the forefront of elephant protection, and it is hoped that governmental commitments, made in the 25 Year Environment Plan,...
Elephant teeth have evolved in response to climate change for millions of years
By Chrissy Sexton, A new study from the University of Helsinki reveals a striking example of how changing environmental conditions drive evolution. In this case, it involves elephant teeth. The experts found that the evolutionary journey of proboscideans –...
“Hunting Africa”: how international trophy hunting may constitute neocolonial green extractivism
By Sian Sullivan - Journal of Political Ecology Abstract In the post-Cold War neoliberal moment of the mid-1990s, Safari Club International's (SCI) nascent but now defunct 'African Chapter' published a Strategic Plan for Africa. Its aim was to secure the "greatest...
Similar to humans, elephants also vary what they eat for dinner every night
By Brown University Elephants eat plants. That's common knowledge to biologists and animal-loving schoolchildren alike. Yet figuring out exactly what kind of plants the iconic herbivores eat is more complicated. new study from a global team that included Brown...
A Phased Approach to Increase Human Tolerance in Elephant Corridors to Link Protected Areas in Southern Mozambique
By Michelle D. Henley, Robin M. Cook, Anka Bedetti, Jessica Wilmot, Adine Roode , Carlos L. Pereira, João Almeida, António Alverca - MDPI Abstract Pathfinding elephants are moving through human dominated landscapes, often across international boundaries, thereby...
The value of elephants: A pluralist approach
By Antoinette van de Water, Michelle Henley, Lucy Bates, Rob Slotow - Science Direct Highlights We identify the multiple, overlapping benefits to humans and nature that elephants provide. We augment existing valuation systems...