CITES – PROPOSALS TO AMEND APPENDICES I AND II (Provisional assessments by the Secretariat)

Mar 17, 2019 | Documents

  1. The list of 57 proposals to amend Appendices I and II to be considered at the 18th meeting of the Conference
    of the Parties (CoP18, Colombo, 2019) was communicated to the Parties through Notification to the Parties
    No. 2019/004 of 14 January 2019.
  2. Annexed to the present Notification are provisional assessments of these 57 proposals based on Resolution
    Conf. 9.24 (Rev. CoP17) on Criteria for amendment of Appendices I and II. The Secretariat has prepared
    these provisional assessments in the context of its responsibilities under Article XV, paragraph 1 (a), of the
    Convention, and in accordance with Resolution Conf. 5.20 (Rev. CoP 17) on Guidelines for the Secretariat
    when making recommendations in accordance with Article XV.
  3. This information is being communicated to the Parties at this early stage in order to help them in making
    their own assessment of the proposals, to stimulate discussion and to encourage further clarification to be
    provided where appropriate. It is therefore presented at this stage in an unedited form and a final version will
    be made available in due course in document CoP18 Doc. 105.
  4. Following the practice of posting proposals received for CoP18 in their original language prior to translation,
    the original language version of the Secretariat’s provisional assessments (English) is being posted in
    advance of the translations into French and Spanish being available. The translations should be available in
    the course of March.
  5. In April, the Secretariat will communicate to the Parties its final recommendations on the proposals, which
    will take account of the comments received from Parties and organizations as well as from intergovernmental
    bodies having a function in relation to marine species [in accordance with the provisions of Article XV,
    paragraph 2 (b), of the Convention].

For the full Notification to the Parties, read here:

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