Malawi police arrest court-marshal over missing ivory exhibits

Jul 28, 2019 | News

By Nyasa Times

Malawi Police in Nkhotakota have arrested a court-marshal over missing pieces of ivory which were meant to be exhibits in a court case. 

Nkhunga police in Nkhotakota police spokesperson Ignatius Esau said the court-marshal, Gift Nyirenda, 36, is suspected to have stolen one pair of ivory which was kept in an exhibit room at Nkhunga court.
“A court official was surprised to see that the pair of the ivory was missing when he wanted to take it to court for a case and reported the matter to senior court officials who reported it to police,” said Esau. 

Esau said the exhibit room kept two pairs of ivory and a tooth of a hippo which were confiscated from suspected poachers whose case was in the court. Nyirenda hails from Jumbo village in chief Nyalwanga’s area in Nkhata Bay. 

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