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Greenwashing and Social Justice: Pro-Trophy Hunting Narratives Need Careful Examination

Greenwashing and Social Justice: Pro-Trophy Hunting Narratives Need Careful Examination

By Stephanie Klarmann - The Revelator Arguments abound on the benefits and dangers of trophy hunting. We need a careful, measured approach to analyzing how it’s justified and promoted. Trophy hunting remains a contentious subject amongst scientists, conservationists, and the public. Each side fervently defends its stance, but the underlying narrative pushed by trophy-hunting proponents urgently deserves close scrutiny. We saw it most recently in August, after trophy-hunting critic and economist Ross Harvey wrote an op-ed criticizing the killing of five “super-tusker” elephants from...

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All for one and one for all: The importance of maintaining trophic cascades

All for one and one for all: The importance of maintaining trophic cascades

By Adam Cruise - The Bateleurs A trophic cascade is an ecological process which starts at the top of the food-chain and cascades all the way down to the bottom.   African elephants, for example operate, in the natural landscape in this way. Biologists often refer to African elephants as ecosystem ‘architects’ and ‘gardeners’. They break branches off trees, sometimes the entire tree itself, that then creates microhabitats for seedlings and small vertebrates, like dwarf mongooses and invertebrate animals like butterflies. Elephant dung is a food source for dung beetles and a variety of...

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The Journal of African Elephants was created by a group of concerned journalists, biologists and conservationists, who, after years of tracking and documenting the catastrophic decline of Africa’s elephant populations, have recognised the urgent need for a dedicated English and French news and commentary space to enhance and increase global awareness of the plight of Africa’s savanna and forest elephants. Our Commentary service, in particular, are writers that focus on the need to provide awareness of Africa’s elephants and affected surrounding human communities from a distinctly African perspective that, for the most part, is lacking in the dominance of Western media.