Safari at sunset: Live virtual visit with elephants in South Africa

Jul 22, 2020 | News

By Kristi King – WTOP News

From schoolwork to business meetings, the idea of making connections virtually is becoming more common. And, on Wednesday, there’s a chance to experience a virtual visit with elephants in the wild live from Africa.

“We are, of course, at the mercy of the elephants, so the flow of the event will depend on how cooperative they decide to be with us as they come home,” said Amy Short, Director of Strategic Partnerships at AAA Club Alliance and a co-host of the event.

The event features elephants from the Jabulani Safari Lodge located in a private reserve called the Kapama Private Game Reserve in the Greater Kruger Area of South Africa.

“They normally come through at sunset, and we’ll be able to watch them as they make their way home,” Short said.

“We should be very, very close — the elephants are used to the care takers there and the rangers,” she said. “I’ve watched it before, and we actually had a baby elephant wander right up into the cameras.”

The live event will include information about the founding of Jabulani as an elephant sanctuary that contains rescued elephants. Representatives from AAA and African Travel will answer questions people commonly have about going on safari.

In Africa, the “Big Five” game animals people typically want to see are the lion, leopard, Cape buffalo and elephant. Short said the virtual event will allow those who are interested to begin with elephants.

“This is a great way to check something off your bucket list,” Short said. “If a safari has always been something that you want to do, here’s your opportunity to go on a mini safari and see what it’s all about.”

The 45-minute event Wednesday begins at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time.

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